Alexis Bogolmoni appointed to the board of Wynwood CEA

Alexis Bogolmoni appointed to the board of Wynwood CEA

Mar 2, 2022

The Wynwood Community Enhancement Association (Wynwood CEA) was formed in 2018 and spearheaded the community-led vision plan in 2019, resulting in the creation of the Wynwood Norte district.

The Wynwood CEA is a guided effort by the community and diverse neighborhood stakeholders including long-time residents, investors, business owners, and non-profit organizations to provide a unified voice for neighborhood improvements and enhance the quality of life for current and future residents. A primary goal of their community vision plan is to restore and grow the neighborhood’s housing stock and create a new mix of housing options attainable to working families.

The City of Miami Planning Department, community stakeholders, and Plusurbia worked together to describe the intent and goals of the neighborhood and also developed the NRD-2 land development code language. Wynwood CEA came before the commission to increase the residential density and encourage community growth.

Given its proximity to the Wynwood Arts District and Midtown Miami and its recent zoning overhaul, the neighborhood is poised for significant development. Aimed at encouraging dense infill development while preserving affordability, the NRD-2 is a special overlay district within the Miami 21 zoning code that creates a wide range of development opportunities in Wynwood Norte.

The NRD-2 Public Benefits Trust Fund was established to support reinvestment and supplement affordable/workforce housing, public parks and open spaces, and civic space or civil support space within Wynwood NRD-2.

As an advocate and one of the neighborhood’s most significant stakeholders, ABH Developer Group has committed to long-term contributions to the Public Benefits Trust Fund to help steer tangible impact and success.